InSideOut continues to create engaging content and innovative strategies that positively impact school community stakeholders.

Since its inception in 2015, InSideOut has positively impacted stakeholders from over 5860 school communities nationwide:


Stephanie Hauser
Executive Director, Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association
“The InSideOut Initiative supports the goals of education-based athletics and enhances the positive experiences that high school sports provide.”
Ethan Medley
Director of Community Relations and Youth Football, New York Giants
"Joe Ehrmann and Jody Redman are dynamic teachers and leaders…”
Todd Santabarbara
Executive Director, New York Section One Interscholastic Athletics
“[InSideOut] supports our athletic administrators, coaches and student-athletes in a collective effort to develop a welcoming and affirming environment”
Michael Krueger
Commissioner, Colorado High School Athletic Association
“The InSideOut Initiative provides school leaders with the support, resources, and direction that leads to establishing a culture that defines the education-based purpose.”
Ryan Fencl
Football Outreach Manager, Green Bay Packers
“Equipping our schools with the tools and training needed to enhance the lives of their student athletes will not only benefit their athletic programs, but their communities as well.”

The InSideOut Community of Practice

The InSideOut Initiative offers an on-line learning platform that provides innovative and interactive professional development experiences for athletic administrators and coaches.

The InSideOut Community of Practice (CoP) provides professional growth experiences, strategies, and a personalized implementation approach that encourages collaboration, discussion, and provides productive feedback.

InSideOut Community Yearly Growth

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