Jody Redman


Jody Redman is a nationally recognized speaker, facilitator, author, and thought leader on strategic planning, organizational design and transformation, and leadership development. She is a passion-driven innovator who has focused her professional career on creating cultures of belonging through system-level interventions. Jody holds a M.S. in Sport Administration, and a B.S. in Sports Science and Coaching. She is a former collegiate basketball stand-out, high school teacher, head coach, and Athletic Administrator at both the high school and collegiate levels. Jody is co-founder of the NFL Foundation-empowered InSideOut Initiative aimed at creating purpose-based athletics cultures that are co-curricular, character-based, and led by transformational leaders and coaches. She holds a central and collaborative role in the ongoing development of its strategic mission, purpose, and direction. Her innovative strategies and solutions continue to create and align school cultures capable of sustaining purpose-based athletics and transformational student experiences. During her nineteen-year tenure as an Associate Director for the Minnesota State High School League, Jody authored, developed and produced cutting edge online education that supports the social-emotional and character development of school community stakeholders. She developed and championed two national health and safety initiatives: Coaching for Change, addressing cultural norms and expectations of youth as it relates to identity, sexual harassment and sexual violence; and, Anyone Can Save A Life, empowering students to be key assets in emergency response plans. Among many other responsibilities, Jody also served on the National Federation of High Schools Strategic Planning and Coaches Education Committees. Jody is the proud mother of two teenagers who have provided her with a built-in laboratory for finding and developing solutions to growing children in today’s sports culture.