Going All-In: Jody Redman Announces Full-Time Focus on Building Purpose-Based Athletic Cultures
Effective August 1, InSideOut co-founder and thought leader Jody Redman has stepped down from her role as an Associate Director at the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) to focus full time on leading and developing the InSideOut Initiative and the InSideOut Community of Practice.
“The InSideOut Initiative would not exist apart from Jody Redman’s partnership, leadership, and purpose-driven ability to create innovative systems-level change within youth and high school sports,” said Joe Ehrmann, co-founder and president of the InSideOut Initiative. “Jody’s depth of knowledge, experience, and understanding of education-based sports helped her create ISOI’s Blueprint for Systemic Change. This systems-level approach creates sustainable, organizational change that develops the social-emotional and character competencies of school community stakeholders from educational leaders to students.”
Jody will continue her central and collaborative role in the ongoing development of the InSideOut Initiative’s strategic mission, purpose, and direction—working to align school cultures across the country to sustain purpose-based athletics. She will also spend more time building and expanding her InSideOut Community of Practice, which inspires personal and professional growth, and supports organizations like the inSideOut Initiative to grow, scale, and sustain their impact through relationally centered experiences.
During her nineteen year tenure as an associate director for the Minnesota State High School League, Jody authored, developed and produced cutting edge education that supported the social-emotional and character development of school community stakeholders. She developed and championed ‘Why We Play,’ focused on reclaiming the educational purpose of sports and two national health and safety initiatives: Coaching for Change, addressing cultural norms and expectations of youth as it relates to identity, sexual harassment and sexual violence; and Anyone Can Save A Life, empowering students to be key assets in emergency response plans.
“Jody has served the students, coaches, and administrators in the Minnesota State High School League with incredible care and energy,” said Erich Martens, executive director of the MSHSL. “She has embodied the values of education-based athletics and will continue to do so in her new position. Jody is both passionate and innovative as she has developed a number of campaigns to increase the safety of all involved and improve the experience of our students through our programs. Most importantly, she has directly influenced a great number of coaches and programs with her teaching of the principles of ‘Why We Play’ and the deeper purpose that exists within our activities. Her legacy here in Minnesota is one of leadership and service and she will be missed greatly.”
Jody lives what she teaches and will continue to be guided by her transformational purpose:
I lead to Change the Arc of others’ lives by creating a kind and empathic community of belonging that fosters human development and empowers service to others.
Please join us in congratulating Jody! You can connect with Jody at info@jodyredman.com, follow her on Twitter at @JodyLRedman, and sign up for our newsletter (at the bottom of this page)!