This is the second part in our Growth Series, where our AD partners share how they are focusing their energy inward, reflecting...
Individual Transformational Purpose Statement Updates
Expanding Our View, Twisting Our Lens, Redefining Our Purpose
With the start of another school year, we are provided with a fresh start and an opportunity to provide great experiences for the...
Starting with WHY?
In the book, InSideOut Coaching, one of the four big questions Joe Ehrmann asks is “why do you coach”? Knowing why we are...
Why Do We Coach The Way We Do?
Have you ever given any thought to where your coaching philosophy came from? Why do you coach the way you do? Joe Ehrmann, the...
Why We Play
WHY DO WE PLAY? For many in our sports culture, there is only one answer to this question—we play to WIN. I am going to suggest...
Defining Our Purpose
Each year we are presented with an opportunity to provide growth-filled experiences for the students we coach. As we begin...