InSideOut Initiative Impact State by State
Eleven states, nearly 2,000 schools, 16 NFL markets, and thousands of individuals. Put it all together—along with generous support from the NFL Foundation and other organizational partners—and you get a strong, connected InSideOut community working to change the lives of student-athletes every day.
Here’s a look at what the InSideOut Initiative has been up to, and where we’re headed in 2018.
InSideOut California, in partnership with the Rams, Chargers, and the California Interscholastic Federation, kicked off in September of this year in San Diego and Los Angeles. We enjoyed hearing from educational leaders on their thoughts about intentional leadership and providing a healthy sports culture—here’s what one training participant had to say: “I absolutely believe in what was presented in this training. Today provides me with a beginning blueprint and the tools necessary for changing our athletic culture.”
The second day of training is scheduled for February, and the third for April. We also will begin our partnership with the San Francisco 49ers in 2018.
In August of 2015, the Colorado High School Athletic Association (CHSAA) and the Denver Broncos partnered with the InSideOut Initiative to bring statewide educational and athletic leaders together to launch year one of the InSideOut Initiative. Now entering its third year, the ripple continues to expand in Colorado and the impact is significant. This group has had six trainings to date, and over 60 percent of Colorado schools have implemented the Initiative.
What’s more, every Colorado athletic administrator has been trained in the InSideOut System and every head coach must answer the question, ‘Why Do I Coach?’ so their answer can be shared with the AD to promote discussion that leads to the implementation of InSideOut strategies.
In August of this year, the InSideOut Initiative launched in Indiana, in partnership with the Indianapolis Colts, Indiana High School Athletic Association (IHSAA), and the Indiana High School Athletic Association Foundation. Bobby Cox, Commissioner of IHSAA, had to say this about the partnership, “The InSideOut Initiative stands as a critical opportunity for Indiana high schools to reclaim the narrative about what high school sports and youth sports, in general, should really be all about. We are excited to bring the InSideOut Initiative to Indiana and enhance the student-athlete experience in the Hoosier State.”
InSideOut Indiana will continue training in January of 2018.
Minnesota is where the InSideOut Initiative was born—back in 2012 when a group of Minnesota athletic administrators created WHY WE PLAY—an initiative to promote the educational purpose of sports in Minnesota. Today, more than 500 Minnesota high school athletic administrators receive annual training on the purpose of education-based athletics, and more than 25,000 Minnesota coaches have undergone training, in which they write their own Transformational Purpose Statements.
Earlier this year, a professional learning community (PLC) of Minnesota high school athletic administrators made a year-long commitment to growth as part of a collaborative partnership with the MSHSL and the InSideOut Initiative. Charlie Campbell, a participate had this to say, “This PLC has created an opportunity to develop personally and professionally and to reconnect with what is in our hearts. It provides us with a common language and platform to speak about the issues we are all facin—there’s great power and growth in that. It has revitalized the way I interact with my coaches and how we intentionally impact students. This experience has been truly transformational.”
In October of 2016, the InSideOut Initiative launched year one in partnership with the Ohio High School Athletic Association, Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association, the Cincinnati Bengals, the Cleveland Browns, and other local and statewide education organizations. In November, the InSideOut Initiative provided its sixth training opportunity in partnership with the Cleveland Browns and Cincinnati Bengals at the Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (OIAAA) Conference and the Ohio School Board Association Conference. Bruce Brown, Executive Director of the OIAAA said, “Joe and Jody have ignited an important conversation in Ohio—one that is paramount to shifting the current sports culture. The InSideOut Initiative change model provides Ohio with an effective game plan to promote the purpose of education-based athletics within our school communities.”
InSideOut Ohio will continue their training in January 2018.
InSideOut Texas kicked off in February 2016, in partnership with the Dallas Cowboys, the University Interscholastic League, and the Texas High School Coaches Association (THSCA). D.W. Rutledge, Executive Director of the THSCA, thinks it’s a critical initiative that needs to change the culture from win-at-all-costs to more of a transformational type of coaching and education-based athletics. “We feel like coaches can make a difference,” he said. “They can stand in the gap, and they’ve got a real opportunity to make a different. We just need to give them the tools to do it with. We need to start that conversation.”
The Houston Texans will implement the InSideOut Initiative in early 2018. In addition, the Fort Worth School District will implement the Initiative district-wide in 2018.
Additional Outreach
We’re heading to Louisiana, Tennessee and Northern California in the spring of 2018 to kick off the first phase of training. In addition, we have partnered to bring one-day character workshops for coaches in New York with the Buffalo Bills, Washington D.C. with the Washington Redskins, and are planning events in Michigan with the Detroit Lions and in Illinois with the Chicago Bears. In Baltimore, Maryland, we have implemented our first InSideOut City project in collaboration with the Baltimore Ravens and Under Armour.
We look forward to continuing to develop positive relationships with you and new partners in the coming year. May your new year be filled with wonderful opportunities to make a positive difference for the students who participate in your programs. Cheers!
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